Assalamualaikum w.b.t
hukhuk. Itew dah habis exam. Hahaha. Tapi tk rasa merdeka since perasaan gementar psl espiyem ni. Hakhak. Gementar? Perghh ayat baku. Hahaha. Yelah seriously I feel like dri skrg kena struggle (bkn dri skrg sepatutnya, dri awal tahun lg -___-) but I feel so lazy awal tahun and always skip school. Urgh this is so terrible. yeaa i know. Most all my teachers noticed that I've always skip school. Huhu okay forget it. Hopefully next year jadi lebih baik, insyaAllah.
SPM is the most important thing in my life. Eh? hahaha yelah important wehh, susah kalau tkde kelulusan SPM. haaa tkde sijil, camno nak masuk kolej? Masuk kerja pun susah ni kan kolej. Hukhuk. So dri skrg kena jaga semua nih. Belajar elok-elok. Haaa Ika takut kang kau ckp je, buatnya tidak. Erghh! Takpe, nnt tulis besar besar kt dinding bilik kasi igt kt otak ni. Hahah SPM SPM SPM. There's a lot of things that I've planned before, during and after SPM. haaa semua tu kita rancang, tapi Perancang Terbaik adalah ALLAH S.W.T. So kalau kita dok planning, tapi last last tk jadi haa ade lah sebabnya yg kita tk tahu. Cuma Dia tahu ;)
And yeah since I've been through the hard times, Ika ade teman-teman yg selalu ade ngn Ika. Mostly, yes Allah S.W.T. Second, family. Yihiii~ and third is my sister jauh nun sana. Hahaha. Ni adopted sister. Cehh~ Hahaha since when la mak aku adopt anak ni? Hahaha tkdela. Igt lagi tk akak yg Ika selalu gaduh tu? Haa tk igt kot sbb dah delete semua post gaduh tu ape hahaha. Rasa mcm bodoh sgt Ika time tu. Rasa mcm immature gilaaa. Malu tahu tk? Eerr tkpe semua manusia ade buat silap. Asal kita belajar & tk buat lagi, insyaAllah Allah akn tolong kita. Most people think that Ika dh tk contact dia lagi. But dlm diam tu la Ika still get along with her. Lama kelamaan Ika dah rapat ngn dia, truly close, baru Ika tahu dia mcm mana. Bukan salah dia pun, mangsa keadaan je. Ika selalu think negative psl dia and talk bad about her. Ya Allah dosanya aku pada dia :'( Tapi alhamdulillah Ika ngn dia dah sama-sama cerita keburukan semua and dah minta ampun maaf. Now kiteorg dua-dua saling memerlukan :') Hikhik. She's really sweet, as well. She's really care about me, how I'm doing and what I'm gonna do. Dia selalu bg nasihat tapi tk semua Ika ikut. And after that I will be regret.. I shld listen to her kan? Tulaaa degil! Hahaha. Sometimes I feel so lucky to know her and having her as my sister in my life. Ukhuwah antara dia, hopefully kekal hingga ke Syurga Allah. Aaaaamiiiin~ :')))
Bila eh kita boleh jumpaa? Hmm hopefully Ika dpt belajar kt Kluang, Johor so then I can meet you all the time. Hikhik. Doakan Ika ye kak.. ;) Sayanggg akak till Jannah. :* hugss
PS: Do not judge somebody dgn tgk kesilapan dia yg lepas. Have fun, everyone! peace~
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