Saturday, May 26, 2012

Dream.. will come true. InsyaAllah

Hoooyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, hihihi. Ika nak happy! Even situasi tk mengizinkan. But it's okay, as long as my dream can makes me happy. I will be okay. As you can see, picture above, menunjukkan yang Ika still sukakan Princesses stories. Cerita dongeng semua tu. Hihi I swear Ika still sukaaa tengok cerita tu semua. And the latest story, Tangled. Ada tengok? Cerita tu best gilaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Hahah try ah tengok. Selalu ade kt HBO :) Mengisahkan princess hilang, her name is Rapunzel. Ala, cerita dia mcm Rapunzel tp lain skit lah. Dia ade rambut magic. Panjanggggggg gilaa rambut dia. Lawa and cute. I love it very muchhhh :D hihi. Tengok jelah, Ika malas nak cerita ;p hehehe.

So, holidays dah start. As I told you, I will update it kalau ade masa. And ya, nothing is special. Just for relax time. Spending time with family, cats and lover. Hihi :p Oh ya, you know? Ika pakai number maxis and digi :p hehehe. Abah gave me last week. He said, he know I want to use Digi's number. So he give his old number. Dia tk nk pkai lagi. I don't know why, unimportant ;p so, I'm using 2 no and 2 phone .___________. ya bagus. hahaha. Saje je. Ala, kalau tk pkai dah, bg lah balik. Saje try pakai ;p hehehe. Okay lah gak pakai Digi. Murah and save kredit. Kalau maxis tkde kredit, guna digi ;p hehehe. Rasanya kalau topup 50, boleh tahan dua bulan :B Even using BB, BBM. internet service, serious murah kalau Digi. Try on it ;)

So, talk about dreams on the first place.. I want to be happy. Well sometimes betul gk org ckp, duit boleh buat kau happy. Ya it is tapi susah kalau ade org yg suka amik kesempatan :( Hmm kalau kita ade duit je, mesti ramai amik kesempatan atas tu semua. Susah nak cari org yg ikhlas kawan ngn kita tanpa harapkan duit, harta tu semua. Hishh payahnyaaaa .___. Okayyy its time for listing my dreamssssssssssss~

- A happy day, happy things and happy everything :']
- A good life with family and friends
- A good relationship with Allah, family, friends and my future...... lol
- Nak jadi wedding planner
- but in the same time nak jadi cikgu tadika .______________.
- Be pretty in my own way. ;)
- Nak pakai kereta BMW Z4
- Nak duduk rumah banglo besarrr with my family, with my own money.
- Wanna go Mekah and Madinah once again with Umi :'] Me and Umi, only.
- Wanna go Paris, London, Istanbul and... Egypt :]
- Nak kittens, cats yang cuteeeeeeeeeeee sngt :p and manja mcm Oyen. I mean, I want yg white punya. Ya Allah, mesti cute, kan? :'D
- I want MacBook Pro
- dslr canon 1100D. DUSHHHHHHHHHHH I REALLY WANT THISSS :'[ badly...
- Every dress, with polka dots pattern. Make sure it is pink or blue ;) white blue

Rasanya dah kot. Hahahaha. Tapi semua tu tkkn jadi kalau tkde usaha dari diri kita sendiri, kan? So? Ika kena usaha utk dpt kan semua tu. Impian Ika tk setinggi org lain. Impian Ika yang sebenarnya, ialah kebahagiaan. Kebahagiaan dtg dripd senyuman yang ada pada bibir umi. Kebahagiaan umi, kebahagiaan Ika. That's it :) Tapi semua tu just tambahan je. hahaha saje je listkan ;) So people would know yang Ika ade impian Ika sendiri tapi kebanyakkan semuanya yang memerlukan duit ;) Haha.

And this~

Thanks for reading. xoxo

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