Thursday, August 9, 2012

I'm done.

Assalamualaikum, hola alohaaa, hello, good evening! Hahaha semua ade. I think dah lama tk blogging, kan? Err lama ke? Hahah baru a few weeks tk berceloteh. Hahaha. Anyway, kenapa orang cakap, "Kau tu untunglah, kaya, dpt ape je." and some of them, "You're veryyyyy lucky :(" "Duhh, tk reti hargai ape kau ade skrg?" Hoiiiii, you're not living in my shoes so just keep quiet!!!! Kalau awak ade kt tmpt saya, what would you do? :( Buat ape dok dlm keadaan mewah but hati tk senang? Seriously... Mmg lah syok dpt shopping sana sini, dpt pakai iPhone, dapat iPad, dapat pc, dapat camera.... tapi tk semua yg kita idamkan, ade depan mata. Before awak nak cakap saya mewah, senang, goyang kaki pe bagai, check dulu how my life looks like. OKAY?!?! haaa ni mak jemah nak marah niiii. hahaha. Bukan tksuka bila orang mendoakan kita, tapi entahlah... I'm not one of the rich people lah... seriously, Allah je maha Kaya. Me? Just His servant. Hidup, Allah yg tentukan. Nasib, hidup, semua dekat tanganNya :) Kita cuma mampu berdoa jelah. Ask for a good things. Jangan benda tk baik pula -.- hahaha. Okay, actually it is out of the blue -.- err

The point I'm blogging today is about how free I am right now. But not really, just a.... bit. Emm, tahlah. Haish hati ni nak kata happy tk juga, nak kata senang tk juga. :/ Gelisah? Hmm not really... Alhamdulillah setiap ape yg Allah bagi :) I just can't stop grateful with Him. 'Cause still give me a chance to live my life with my family, especially, umi :') Tkleh bayangkan mcm mana hidup tanpa umi. Haish. Anyway, baru je habis trial exam for PMR. seriously, semua susah. Hmmmm BM BI MATHS SC :((( tkpelah, I will try harder than this ;) insyaAllah. Hihihik.

Hahaha calon PMR 2012 ^ _ ^ insyaAllah, I will make my mum proudly say "That's my girl!!" Hihihi. Pray for me please! thanks, sayangs!

P.S: I'm gonna forget about him, forever. He's not mine. And won't be. He will never come back since I know what's he had done to me. ;) Thanks to Allah 'cause give me a clues! Alhamdulillah, for everything...
Thanks for reading. xoxo

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