Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My last entry for this year.


Okay as you know that esok dah pun masuk 1hb January 2014. Yeap.. It's 2014 already, no more 2013. Hahaha. Ok... Ehem. Hmm. I guess I had it enough. Dah cukup rasa, dah cukup menelan semuanya dalam tahun ni. It's really a good time tu move on and start a new life. (ok benda ni tiap kali masuk tahun baru selalu ckp tapi tk dtgkn hasil pun hahaha)

For seriously, Ika nk berubah. I want to change myself. My attitude, especially. No more hot headed lagi, no more argue with them, no more being so stubborn, no more no more no more. Chipsmore? Hahahaha ok. Everyone pernah alami rasa kebahagiaan, and also sadness right? Yeah. For me, there's nothing to complain about. A good thing came by Allah. A bad thing came by us. Which is right 'cause Allah is perfect! Hihi.

I just wish and pray that someday people would realize that Allah's grace is more wonderful and bring us together in His way. Am I right? No? oh ok. hahahah. Ika now dah sedar yg bertapa berharganya nikmat yg Allah kurniakan. Firstly nikmat nyawa, Islam, anggota badan yg sempurna, everything. Nikmat Allah tu kan eiii lebih byk dari buih di lautan tahu tak?!?!?!?! tahu tak?!?!? haaa. Tapi kenapa kita yg hamba Allah ni sendiri ingkar suruhan Allah? :( Allahu Allahu Allahu.. Ika sendiri pernah langgar. Ika sendiri pernah buat tu semua. Ika jahat, I know.. That's why I really hope that I can change myself into better person. InsyaALLAH. All I need is kuatkan Imaan. Chaiyok! Hihihi

Now I just nak bersyukur ya Allah. Moga Allah ampunkan dosa kita yg lalu (di tahun 2013) dan memberi rahmat & keredhaan buat kita. Aammiin. Hihi. All you need is being grateful and stop complaining! Hihi. Oh yaaa I forgot to tell you that I'm going to be seventeen years old bebeh!!!!! Hahahaha. And yeaaa SPM things, being seniors. Oh dude! Tough thing yet cool. Hahaha. Buli diorg. Hahahaha. Okayy I shld stop writing here.

P/S: Berseronok-seronok juga dlm tahun ni, tapi jangan lupa yg di Atas, yakni Tuhan yg Maha Esa. Do not stop praying. If you do, ibarat kau tk jawab panggilan Allah. :)
Thanks for reading. xoxo

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